Train Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Financial Success

by John Assaraf

Mastering your brain will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. I am going to show you the inside mental game you need to have, not the business actions you need to take in this blog series. You already know things you should be doing to make more money, but you’re not doing them. It’s not a matter of your desires, it’s a matter of your conditioned mind and the power it has over you. You need to program your brain for success—a process called brain entrainment.

If you want to know what is currently programmed about money at the non-conscious level of your brain right now, just look at your current income and financial situation.

If aren’t happy with your current financial status, think about this magical formula:

Information + Experiences x Repetition = Beliefs

Beliefs + Experiences x Repetition = Habits

Your habits cause you to do and see only that which supports the internal beliefs and habits you currently have. Our internal neural pathways seek out patterns and information that are the same and match up in the physical world. The outside world matching our internal image is our comfort zone.

Your internal mental picture—your current conditioned mind—will not see or allow you to behave for too long, in ways that support your desired financial goals unless you change the inside belief and habit first.

The biggest problem people face is that everyone tries to alter behavior instead of altering the cause of behavior, which is our internal beliefs and “mental thermostat.” You have to first change your financial thermostat.

If you do not alter your internal belief about money, and about your ability to earn more, your internal mental systems will not allow you to consistently see or act in accordance with what you want to achieve. They will force you to consistently achieve the same income year in and year out.

This is a post that I took from John’s Blog,
John is one of the main presenters on the secret and currently has an excellent video at

About belief1st

business coach; referral sales trainer; Sports lover; Networker; Avid reader and Life Long Learner
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