The Real You

I just watched a great little video by Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul Series Author)

The message that he was conveying is that in living our lives we tend to cover up our true potential to meet the needs of others/ our environment / our own self-image we have built up over time, etc.

This is developed wonderfully in one of my favourite poems by Marianne Williamson, “Our deepest fear” -read the poem here.

There is a great saying, do not live your life under a bushel. This again points out that the real You / Me / Us is not who we are in our current lives.

If you knew you couldn’t fail – how would you live?

Would you be doing what you are doing now?

Would you be living where you are living now?

If the answer to these questions was NO, then what are you going to do about it?

There has been much written and spoken over the last 3 years since “The Secret” hit the world in a rush, about the Law of Attraction. Unfortunately for many, reading the book and watching the movie; maybe buying a few personal development courses is all that happened. The promised changes, just by thinking differently, haven’t really eventuated.

The sad thing about this is, that for the majority who attempted to think and visualise without any action, nothing changed and their belief in their ability to impact the outcome of their own life was reduced.

This is very sad, as it further condemns these people to a life, lived under a bushel.

To the majority of people who have never achieved anything great (in their perception), or lived a life of mediocrity in their comfort zone, their belief in their own ability to impact their future, was not going to change just by reading a book or watching a movie.

There is more work required in relation to looking at your current beliefs – do you really believe it is possible for you to be successful (whatever that means to you)?

For most people at a conscious level they would emphatically answer YES!!!

However, if tested; sub-consciously they don’t really believe it is true, or there are serious elements of doubt in their ability. The ideas and concepts presented in these books, movies and courses, tend to gloss over is the tools to actually carry out the REAL changes required.

John Assaraf, in his book “The Answer” focuses on the tools required. The tools he mentions are


Visualisation; and


On the surface, most people looking to bring about change at more than a superficial level have probably dabbled in all three areas. Unfortunately, they probably did all three in isolation. Not as a package designed to work in unison.

For the majority of people who have been able to achieve success and are often quoted as examples, they have used some of the tools over a period of time.

If you want to find out more about these tools, go to

If you want to find out more about the Real You, you are going to have to commit to some work. By work, I mean some quality thinking about what it is you Truly desire and what you are prepared to commit to, to achieve these outcomes.

The process (which I will expand more next time) is

BeliefsThoughts – Words – Actions – Results. so if we want to bring about real and lasting change, we need to go to the source and work from there.

Have a great week, and don’t forget to hit the like button (if you like it) and / or leave a comment.


About belief1st

business coach; referral sales trainer; Sports lover; Networker; Avid reader and Life Long Learner
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5 Responses to The Real You

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention The Real You | Belief1st's Blog --

  2. If positive thoughts create positive people that can lead to a real you with whatever life you want for yourself then the same is true for negative thoughts leading to negative people that seem to me to never take responsibilty for their lives. Me I choose positive thoughts and take action around those thoughts. Great post, thanks for taking the time to place the links to some really cool info

  3. belief1st says:

    thanks Glenn, positive is obviously much better long term than negative. the rider is that people need to take action on their positive thougthts.

  4. bracky says:

    Not happy when people rip off great people. That peice of writing is from Nelson Mandela. Not that tree hugger Williamson, she should be hung.


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