Why we (should) change our minds in the 11th hour

with thanks to Danielle Laporte – DANIELLELAPORTE.COM

You’re about to ship your product, wrap the gift, get dressed for the event, name the baby. Go time. Launch time. Deadline-to-meet-time. It’s time to make the final call. You’ve been working toward this for months. Money invested in designers, endless jam sessions, deep thinking, working toward THAT goal. And then…and then you look at it (clock is ticking, we’re waiting for you to sign off), and you think…it’s not quite right. We need to…. change the name, pull apart the structure, swap out the picture, switch the offer, shift gears.

And then…you want to throw up.

Change? Now?! But you’ve been so certain, so clear, so specific with what you wanted. You ASKED them to make it that way. It was your idea. You made the choices. It’s time to put this project to bed!

80% of people will proceed as planned — they’ll keep their mouth shut, save money, save face, not rock the boat.

20% (and that may be a generous portion), will risk looking like an indecisive, unreasonable, flake and they’ll put on the brakes, push for change, throw a wrench into the works, ask for unreasonable Olympian efforts at the last minute.

The people in the latter camp? They tend to be outstanding. Their risks are more likely to pay off — because they take them.

Sometimes clarity isn’t as much of a “dawning” as it is a “squeeeeeezing.”
Think of 11th hour a-ha’s as a distillation of truth — truth that’s good to act on.

We get clear about what we really truly actually for real want at pull-the-trigger time by virtue of psyche mechanics — we’ve been grinding and polishing for so long that we’re more likely to see a new vein surface in the material; and because our soul is determined to take it’s true shape in the world (not that we always let it.)

I’m not a fan of delaying, (although sometimes a sacred pause is the lever to greatness). I’m not suggesting that you let clarity derail deadlines and commitments (sometimes we label perfectionism as clarity to give ourselves the “It’s not good enough yet” excuse.)

What I’m campaigning for is that you embrace the potential genius of the last minute knowings (because they’re natural), and take a swing at total and utter madness:
Consider that your realization of how it could be better might be divine, and do whatever it takes to make it better.

The one part of the plan that isn’t changing? The plan to always give your best.

About belief1st

business coach; referral sales trainer; Sports lover; Networker; Avid reader and Life Long Learner
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2 Responses to Why we (should) change our minds in the 11th hour

  1. Kathy Moran says:

    Thank you Belief1st! You’ve hit the nail on the head with this. I want to forward it to everyone I’ve ever frustrated by saying “hang-on, it’s not quite right!” I really agree that the reason is not indecision, it’s about “squeezing” in every opportunity to make it better. I am the Director of 1 Minute Media – a video and content production company in Sydney and this 11th hour revision is part of what I consider the process toward making any project the best it can be.

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